• July 18, 2023

    80 I Executive Insights: Getting it Right: Key Questions for Identifying Training Needs


    In this month's Executive Insights, Liz & Rachel share their top questions for executives to ask to determine the type of training needed. These questions will help you determine the budget, time, and resources needed for your company's next training. Ask these questions to get it right!

  • June 2, 2023

    74 I Q&A: 6 weeks? I don’t have time for that!


    You've heard us say that a needs assessment is a four to six week process, but what if you don't have time for that? Today, Liz & Rachel discuss a common question from our listeners: "What can I do if I don't have four to six weeks to dedicate to a proper needs assessment?"

  • May 23, 2023

    73 I Case Study: An Unexpected Need


    Recently a client came to us with a makeshift training plan for reps and physicians with a desire to make a strategic and scalable solution for growth. Listen in to this case study as Liz and Rachel discuss how they conducted a needs assessment at the company to understand the true training need... which was quite different than what was expected!

  • May 18, 2023

    72 I TrainSmart Tip: Acing that Needs Assessment Interview


    Liz and Rachel share their top 4 tips for acing the interview during the needs assessment process. Learn great questions you can ask and ways you can draw the information out of your interviewees. Get the most out of your time by following these great tips!

  • May 4, 2023

    70 I Making the Case for Needs Assessments with Michelle Lynch


    Michelle Lynch joins Liz in this month's interview episode to discuss the importance of conducting a Needs Assessment before making changes to a company's training program. With experience as both a pharma and med device in-house trainer, and as an outside consultant, Michelle is able to provide valuable insight into how to perform an assessment and then effectively deliver recommendations.

  • May 25, 2022

    21 | Breaking Down the Silos

    with Liz & Rachel

    There's many a cautionary tale when it comes to working in silos. Training can develop an amazing program, but if Sales Leadership doesn't agree or re-enforce, all of that training is wasted. What if Marketing has been working independently and does not provide tools that align with either Training or Sales? These are real-life scenarios that can derail a company's ability to hit their goals.

  • May 18, 2022

    20 | Communicating with Executives

    with Liz & Rachel

    After pouring through the Needs Assessment, you're ready to deliver your impressive recommendations to the leadership team. This week's episode walks you through how best to communicate to the executives and get their buy-in.

  • May 11, 2022

    19 | Assessing the Need (An Intro to the Needs Assessment Process)

    with Liz & Rachel

    Let's get into the nitty-gritty! What really is a needs assessment? How long does it take and where do I start? Liz & Rachel are answering these questions and more, walking you through the 7 steps you'll take to reach 1 impressive recommendation.

  • May 4, 2022

    18 | Training Value for the Whole Organization, An Executive’s Perspective

    with Amie Borgstrom

    This week, Liz sits down with Amie Borgstrom, a med device executive for over 25 years, to discuss the needs assessment process and the value training brings. From the importance of repeatable scalable programs and working in tandem with sales and marketing, to hints about increasing your training budget and communicating your plan to executives, they chat about it all.